Coming Managed
Cloud service

We are proud to say that Coming, as the first Cloud provider in Serbia, has been providing Managed Cloud services to its users for the second decade, with the help of its expert Cloud team.

The Coming Managed Cloud service allows you to focus on your business without excessive thinking about the functioning and licensing of hardware, renewing support, monitoring the performance of virtual servers, backup and the like.

With this service, we provide you with remote access to virtual servers or applications, while our expert Cloud team takes care of the complete infrastructure.

This way, you can focus on your business and leave all the unnecessary worries to the Coming Cloud team!

Slika muške i ženske osobe u kancelariji koji se smeju jer koriste Coming Managed cloud usluge
Ilustracija bedža za garanciju

The first Cloud Provider in Serbia!

Coming has been providing Cloud services since 2009!

Ilustracija dve strelice koje idu u krug gde je jedna uokvireno plava a druga plava

99,95% SLA

The Coming Cloud infrastructure is reliable, fully redundant and designed to have no single point of failure.

Ilustracija plavog čovečuljka u dupliranom krugu uokvirenom plave boje

24/7/365 Local Support!

Coming Cloud provides local support through a simple and clear procedure for direct contact with our certified engineering team via phone and email.

Ilustracija plavog čovečuljka koji razmišlja o nekoj ideji koja je predstavljena kao plava sijalica u oblačiću iznad njega

Cloud tailored to your needs!

In cooperation with you, our team is ready to adapt and optimally design the cloud platform in accordance with your needs, business requirements, and economic possibilities.

Ilustracija dva uređaja plave boje koji su međusobno povezani plavom linijom

Protection with Veeam tools!

Protection of your virtual servers is done using the Veeam Backup&Replication tool. Data can be additionally stored at our other location!

Ilustracija zaključanog katanca plave boje

ISO 27001

Coming guarantees you the security of personal data (ISO 27001 certified).

About the solution – Coming Managed Cloud

Coming Managed Cloud service involves the engagement of our expert team in administration at all levels of the infrastructure, while the user remotely accesses their virtual servers and applications via a VPN connection or the public Internet in a secure manner.

The Coming Cloud infrastructure is based on the VMware virtualization platform, it is reliable, fully redundant and designed to have no single point of failure. We offer two data centers, Belgrade and Kragujevac, so that we can satisfy various audit criteria and business requirements. We guarantee availability to the user at a high level, 99.95%.

We pay special attention to data security, as evidenced by the ISO 27001 certificate. We provide backup of user data with the help of Veeam & Backup Replication tools. We also offer a backup of user data at a remote location.

Unlike global Cloud providers, Coming Cloud provides local 24/7/365 support through a simple and clear procedure for direct contact with our certified engineering team via phone and email.

Our team is ready to cooperate with each user, through adaptation to their needs and economic possibilities, joint definition of business requirements, optimal dimensioning of the service (many users determine a much larger amount of resources than necessary during independent dimensioning), definition of the level of support, guarantees of work reliability services and compensation in case of business losses due to unavailability of services.

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