vCloud: Virtual private datacenter

Do you want an infrastructure in the cloud that you would administer yourself through a web interface similar to that of the world’s largest cloud providers? The vCloud portal offers you just that, among many other functionalities. All you need is a computer that has internet access and a web browser.
Now you will be able to do tasks such as reconfiguring machines, creating a snapshot before updating the system or application, changes at the network level and many others yourself, without having to contact the cloud provider. Of course, Coming engineers are always at your disposal if you encounter a problem.

Finally, if the user decides to back up their machines, it is possible to administer them through the vProtect portal. This portal is a software integration of Veeam, which offers a web interface in which you can create backup jobs and their configuration, as well as restore entire machines to the vCloud Director platform.

In addition to restoring entire virtual machines, it is possible to restore individual files from the file system, while it is also possible to restore at the application level of the item for SQL Server and Oracle databases.

Slika osobe za laptopom i ilustracije katanaca koje predstavljaju vid online zaštite
Ilustracija plavog čovečuljka u dupliranom krugu uokvirenom plave boje

Independent administration

he user is left with the complete administration of his virtual data centre

Ilustracija laptopa i oblaka

Web interface

The portal is publicly available on the Internet and is accessed through a web browser

Ilustracija layera jedan iznad drugog plave boje

Console access to virtual machines

By accessing through the console, the user gets power options over the virtual machine, as well as security that is lacking access to RDP / SSH

Ilustracija plavog čovečuljka koji razmišlja o nekoj ideji koja je predstavljena kao plava sijalica u oblačiću iznad njega

Local support

OMING cloud team is at your disposal in case you have a problem or question

Ilustracija plavog alata koji predstavlja podršku koja je zagarantovana

Veeam support

The platform is integrated with Veeam’s vProtect solution, a platform that offers user the ability to administer their backups

Ilustracija dva uređaja plave boje koji su međusobno povezani plavom linijom

VMware Cloud Verified

COMING cloud platform is the only one in the region that has been verified by VMware, which means that the entire vCloud Director platform is installed following all the recommendations of this company

About the solution

The solution is based on VMware vSphere and NSX solutions, and access to the virtual private data centre through the VMware vCloud Director.

The vCloud Director platform offers to user the ability to complete administration of their infrastructure through a web interface. From here, the user has the option of reconfiguring their virtual machines without contacting the provider. In addition, it is possible to access the machine via the console, commands are available to turn on and off the virtual machine outside the operating system, there is the possibility of creating a snapshot of the machine.

This platform offers the greatest flexibility in terms of network part administration, which is provided by the NSX component of this solution. It is possible to create a firewall as well as NAT rules, configure a DHCP pool, VPN to a data centre, and many other options are available.

On the platform itself, there are virtual machine templates with Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, CentOS 7, CentOS8 and Ubuntu18.04 operating systems, and the user is left with the space to be able to install any operating system supported by VMware. This feature allows users who have some legacy applications, as well as those who would like to raise an appliance virtual machine, to do so without interruption.

Šematski prikaz rešenja backup-a virtuelnih servera

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