Remote Cloud Backup:

Do you have a solution for your data?

Surveys show that up to 97% of companies once a year, due to different needs, come to a situation when they must retrieve data through a backup. Given the frequency of the problem, special attention should be addressed to the contingency plan, as statistics also show that 29% of those who possess a single solution stay without their data and suffer discontinuity in business, which can often have serious and far-reaching consequences.

Aware of the problems faced by our colleagues from the IT sector, Coming in the long-standing partnership with Veeam, seeks to minimize these losses. Remote Cloud Backup solutions include the ability to save data at a remote location, recovery testing, and recovery as needed.

On the mission to make the IT environment safer, Coming designs solutions that are fully adapted to technologies that are in use in your business.

Laptop sa koga se radi remote cloud backup

Odaberite svoje Remote Backup rešenje po posebnoj ponudi – 10% popusta do kraja godine.

Solution: How to do Backup

The remote data in Coming Cloud is a solution that is primarily adapted to your needs. If you do not have a solved problem of the backup and the space for placing it, you can work directly in the Cloud!
If you are an existing Veeam user, you can further protect your data by copying the backup into the Cloud of your virtual, physical servers, and workstations.
In order to cover all your needs, Remote backup includes three cases:

Office 365 backup

Da li imate backup vaših mailova i podataka?

Iako je Microsoft zadužen za dostupnost infrastrukture, Vi ste odgovorni za Vaše podatke!


Ilustracija dva uređaja plave boje koji su međusobno povezani plavom linijom

Backup virtuelnih servera

Remote Cloud of virtual servers at the Coming Cloud infrastructure with the help of Veeam Cloud Connect functionality. 

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Ilustracija zaključanog katanca plave boje

Remote Backup of physical servers

An additional drop of physical stations at Coming Cloud infrastructure with the help of the Veeam agents for Windows and Linux.

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Ilustracija šest plavih kuglica koje su povezane plavim linijama od kojih je jedna u centru a ostalih pet su oko nje

Remote Backup Desktops

A remote station in the Coming Cloud infrastructure with the help of the Veeam agents for Linux and Windows.

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