Remote Backup Workstations

Safe at your job

For each employee, the computer, except for a fixed asset, is still worth much more. It is a place where your company’s most important data may be located.

Therefore, the protection of data from work stations of your employees is essential.

Nowadays, it brings a dynamic environment, employees travel, work from more offices or from home, that raises questions about how to provide employee data from different locations?

Coming Cloud offers a solution for storing data within a remote-back of work stations service, which gives you many possibilities:

Slika plave devojke za laptopom u kancelariji
Ilustracija monitora računara i oblaka sa dve strelice od kojih jedna ide ka oblaku od računara a druga od oblaka ka računaru

Recovery directly from the Cloud!

You can return individual user data to the Cloud repository, but also the entire workstation!

Ilustracija dve strelice koje se mimoilaze gde je jedna cela plava a druga samo uokviena plavom bojom

Continuous pickup

Using the Backup Cache functionality, the backup is paused in case of disconnection. When connection with the Cloud is restored, the backup continues!

Ilustracija plavog sata

A fast and secure pickup

After the initial backup, only differences are transferred to the Cloud from the last backup, which has accelerated this procedure significantly! Data is preserved up to 30 days, even after manual deletion!

Ilustracija dva uređaja plave boje koji su međusobno povezani plavom linijom

Veeam Integration

Add another level of protection to your local Veeam Backup & Replication Server by copying the Back – up to the certified Veeam Cloud Connect Partner

Ilustracija zaključanog katanca plave boje

ISO 27001

Coming guarantees to you the security of personal data

(ISO 27001 Certified)

Ilustracija šest plavih kuglica koje su povezane plavim linijama od kojih je jedna u centru a ostalih pet su oko nje

An Agent for Windows, Linux, and many others!

Veeam Agent for Linux and Veeam Agent for Windows support a large number of operating systems!

About Solution

In order to reach this solution in Cloud you need only Internet connection!

The user can take their own account directly in Coming Cloud, simply by setting up an agent on your computer! The most important user data is stored on the infrastructure of the certified Veeam Cloud Connect service provider.

Additionally, if the user has Veeam, local backup user data can be copied further into the Cloud. In this way, the most important data is further insured.

Remote Backup working pages includes a protection service from inside attacks, so if the user accidentally or intentionally deletes the data, they will remain preserved with us for the next 30 days. This period can be even longer if necessary.

Šematski prikaz rešenja backup-a radnih stanica

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